Can We Survive Without Mapping Technology?

Gone are the days when we assigned a person to sit with a map and navigate us during road trips. Now, we place a smartphone on a stand which gives us clear, unambiguous directions in a pretty voice. Technology has really come a long way. So, roads are mapped, locations are mapped and the next big thing is to map indoors as well.

Not only do we not have to worry about getting lost on the way to our destination, now we don’t have to worry about getting lost in our destination also.
Your family is coming to drop you off for your first big day in college? They’ll feel a lot less stressed if you know your way around the campus. Getting lost in malls and that tiring quest to find the right store with the right sale is no longer a problem. Indoor mapping helps you navigate easily inside buildings like hospitals, shopping malls, campuses, etc.

So, how badly do we need this indoor mapping technology? Is it really so essential in our day-to-day lives? Can we survive without it?

The answer is: well, why ruin the fun? Read on.

The early men once survived without cars. But in the 21st century, surviving without cars seems like a joke. As technology is constantly changing and rapidly evolving, it’s only fair if we put it to good use. Advertising can be done in a way that targets the most potential customers, marketing can be done to ensure that a person who is in a mall and who is likely to be interested in a product is informed about the current sale going on.  

Indoor mapping can also be used for more serious issues. Defense teams can track people on a mission, check their progress, and ensure that they are still safe. It also aids emergency response teams to track those in danger more effectively and rush to their rescue. Workforce can be tracked and the location of staff can be monitored, patients and their families do not have to worry about getting lost inside huge hospitals, people entering government or commercial buildings need not bother others by asking others to direct them to the offices they are searching for.

There are also facilities that consider escalators, elevators and stairs and inform the user of the shortest path to take in order to reach his destination. This saves a lot of time and effort. Not only people but also devices like medical equipment can be tracked, over flowing toilets and other such problems can be detected and taken care of immediately.

Indoor mapping like JibeStream provides a lot of beneficial services to customers, users and also to the businessmen. Users can conveniently get around in buildings that they are not familiar with, without any additional expense, as everyone now possesses a smartphone.

Indoor mapping may not be needed for our very existence, but it sure makes our lives easier. In a few years, we may become dependent on this technology that we might need it for our survival. That’s how the internet is now, right?

Indoor mapping is like having our own personal Marauder’s map and who doesn’t like the idea of having one?


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